

Are tea grounds good for plants?

Posted by Carol Fergishire on Jun 2nd 2023

Are tea grounds good for plants?

As the crimson hue of dawn streaks the sky, one might find solace in the ritualistic pouring of steaming tea into a delicate china cup. The aroma wafting from the brew is comforting, almost as though it whispers promises of tranquility in a chaotic world. Yet, as we indulge in this cherish … Read more
Tea and Bone Density - Can It Help?

Posted by Carol Fergishire on Jun 1st 2023

Tea and Bone Density - Can It Help?

Tea, a fragrant elixir from ancient lands, an emblem of hospitality, and a synonym for warmth. For countless generations, it's been more than just a beverage; it's a medicinal aid, a cultural staple, and an instrument of ritual and mindfulness. Its influence stretches from the verdant tea … Read more
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